Keynote and Workshop Descriptions

Vernon and Children of Tomorrow Aleta

Don’t Waste a Crisis: A Story of Perseverance During Tough Times

Remember that saying: “fight or flight?” When bad things happen, we have a choice: We can either give up and go home, or we can stand up and fight! In this keynote, I tell my story of being knocked down and how I chose to take back control and live life on my terms. I’ll share my own inspiring story as a director who experienced a natural disaster that destroyed my center, how we rose from the destruction, and where we are now. I will also share stories of some of the most obviously talented people—like Julia Child and Lucille Ball—and how they were discouraged and told they’d never achieve success. You’ll leave uplifted, with a sense that anything is possible as long as you retain humor and perseverance!

Learning objectives:

  • A leader must possess compassion. The director must be able to relate and form empathy for their employees by seeing them as real individuals.
  • Teaching is an art, so participants will be trained to view employees as unique individuals, appreciating their diversity and not enforcing uniformity.
  • Participants will learn that in the world of early childhood every day is unique. We will discuss techniques that allow directors to work effectively in a chaotic and hectic environment.


Finding and Keeping Your Happiness: Avoiding BURNOUT

Happiness is like the air we breathe: we don’t think about it unless it isn’t there. Where do you fall on the happiness scale: Moody, grouchy, or Mary Poppins? The presenter will share practical steps that we can all implement. With some minor adjustments, it will align us toward more happiness in our daily life. No matter where you land, come learn to be a HAPPIER person and make the people around you HAPPY too!

Tackling Turnover: Praising and Rewarding Staff for Little or No Cost: A Director’s Guide For Building a Dedicated Staff and Raising Morale

Directing a childcare program has its challenges; one of the biggest is retaining quality staff. In this session, the presenter—a director with 27 years of experience—will share examples of how directors can support their staff, reduce staff turnover, raise staff morale and build dedication for little or no cost. Participants will be asked to share innovative ideas that they have used. We will also discuss obstacles in achieving the desired outcome. Participants will leave with practical information to put into immediate use in their programs. This workshop is based on the book Don’t Go!

seashell perfect training

Zero to Hero: Practical Steps to Turn Your Zero into a Hero or Set Them Free

Even when we follow all the proper guidelines in hiring and interviewing, new employees can often emerge imperfect. This workshop will guide you through the steps of either turning a less-than-acceptable staff member—either new or long-timer—into a valued staff member or guiltlessly setting them free. This workshop is based on the book Get Out!

Practical Steps to Improve Childhood/Preschool Classroom Management

Controlling a group of children can often seem like herding cats! We’ve all heard the description that “a well-run preschool classroom is controlled chaos.” Some of the trouble areas are transitions, overused rules, disciplining the whole class and using “No, don’t, quit and stop.” I will share what I have learned from experts like Becky Bailey, the Environment Rating Scales and from my own 28-plus years of experience as a director. You’ll leave with practical steps to share with your staff to help both your new and seasoned members become more effective in the classroom.

Hiring 101

Five years ago, the biggest struggle for directors and owners was enrollment. Today, the need for hiring employees has surpassed enrollment. It seems as if there are not enough candidates to fill the vacant positions. This workshop will challenge you to adjust your recruiting, interviewing and hiring technics to maximize and broaden both your quantity and your quality of new hires.

Hiring and Supervising turned upside down!

It’s a whole new world! Five years ago, the biggest struggle for directors and owners was enrollment. Today, the need for hiring employees has surpassed enrollment. It seems as if there are not enough candidates to fill the vacant positions. Even when we follow all the proper guidelines in hiring and interviewing, new employees can often emerge imperfect. This workshop will challenge you to adjust your recruiting, interviewing and hiring technique to maximize and broaden both your quantity and your quality of new hires. And guide you through the steps of either turning a less-than-acceptable staff member—either new or long-timer—into a valued staff member or guiltlessly setting them free.

Customer Service in Early Childhood

For many years, our industry has led the way in improving the quality of care for the children in our care. Where we often fall short is the need for parental input. All too often, parents are treated as if they should feel lucky that they’re in a childcare program, with little or no effort undertaken to show them appreciation. I learned from enrollment expert Kris Murray the lifetime value of a child enrolled in my program. Once you understand the value of parents, you begin to look at them in a new light.

Summer Camp Planning That Will Make Your Program The Most Sought-After Place Around

Is enthusiasm for your summer camp program nonexistent? This workshop will give you practical steps to kick your summer camp into high gear and become the talk of the town!

I Just Want Them to Do Their Job!

Many leaders find themselves overwhelmed because they feel that if they want something done properly, then they must do it themselves. This workshop will show you how to painlessly motivate employees to do what you need them to do. You will leave this workshop with practical steps to encourage your employees to do their jobs while positioning yourself as a strong leader.

Building Incentives/Rewards/Award Programs for Your Team

It’s been said that accountability without a relationship is harassment. Let that sink in! Do you wonder why employees get upset when we try to hold them accountable, and many times for the smallest infraction? Often what was meant as a brief and easy conversation turns into a heated exchange. This workshop provides leaders with the necessary tools to assemble an incentive program that will get their team motivated!

Why Motivate and Encourage Employees?

We all have a few TEAM members that are hardworking, dependable and loyal. We wrongly assume that eventually we will find an entire team with the same work ethic. The days of enjoying a workforce whose only motivation is their paycheck are gone! The reality is: our capabilities and the employment of systems that support all kinds of employees are the paths toward true success.

25 Ways to Increase Revenue in a Childcare/Preschool

Communicating, Managing and Motivating Millennials


Finding Your Focus

Working the Environment Rating Scales

Building Enrollment and Loyalty through Social Media

Hiring and Firing for the New Director



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